Bible Wiki

AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Check out Our New Blog Design!

Check out the brand new design for the Bible Wiki Blog. The Bible Wiki Blog is a standalone site where Henry and I share our insights into the Word of God and go on a journey to discover the riches of the Bible. We do through this expository content, personal pieces and riveting analysis.

Well what are you waiting for? Are you going to just stare at this pretty pictures? Check it out now and don't forget to subscribe . As much as we'd like you to read our stuff, we realize the main goal of this is to provide you resources to encourage you to get excited about studying the Bible. It's not about us- but if you find this is interesting resource that helps you in your knowledge than we have done our job.

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

The Path to God

The long expected Messiah--of whom Isaiah had previously prophesied--would be leveled of all his majesty. The mountains of sin would crush the life out of the giver of life, but His Resurrection would destroy every trace of the former "Badlands" providing the clear pathway to the New Jerusalem.

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Throw Your Gold in the Trash

What do you consider valuable in your life? When we hear the word “valuable” or “priceless” we often think of money or precious gems. What we think of as valuable and what truly is valuable are often very different things. How much do you value your relationship with God? Can you say that everything else feels like trash compared to God?

In the Book of Job, Eliphaz gives us some great life wisdom. The Book of Job is considered “wisdom literature”, which means (like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes), it contains many pithy sayings on life. We often miss the great wise sayings found throughout Job, because we focus so much on the grand idea of “why do we suffer” (which The Book of Job actually does not answer directly)......

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Faith and Mountains: God's Work

Recently I had the chance to visit Mt. Rainier in the State of Washington, which is one of the largest mountains in the United States. Mt. Rainier was literally the biggest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It could be seen from long distances away and towered far above everything in its vicinity. The mountain was as tall, wide and thick as the eye could see. The mountain was not only untouchable, but impenetrable and immovable. The qualities of mountains make them ideal symbols for the obstacles of life- oftentimes immovable and towering far above anything else in life. The Bible uses mountains as a symbol for the seemingly mountainous assignments God gives us and of life’s greatest struggles.

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

How to Store up Treasure in Heaven

You’ve probably heard the saying that we should “store up treasures in Heaven” instead of focusing on earthly possessions. This phrase is used by Jesus numerous times and once by Paul, but is first and most famously used in the Sermon on the Mount.

The question then becomes, “How do I seek treasure in Heaven?”. There is great news. We do not have to speculate or even infer wisdom from the Bible indirectly. Did you know the Bible tells us directly how to store treasure in Heaven? Let’s take a look directly at how we “lay up treasure in Heaven”.......
>>>Check out full post>>> on the Bible Wiki Blog!

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Life Lessons from David and Bathsheba

If you have ever been in church, than you have probably heard the infamous account of “David and Bathsheba”, that is, the adultery of David and Bathsheba and David’s eventual murder of her husband. Clearly this event in David’s life is warning against adultery and its grave consequences. It is a clear example of how even David, the “man after God’s own heart” traumatically fell into sin. All of these things are true, but what does this episode really mean for my life? What life lessons can I learn from David and Bathsheba?

Check out the full post at the Bible Wiki Blog

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Check out our new blog site!

Check out our new blog site- the Bible Wiki Blog located at Explore insightful application, riveting detail, thoughtful reflection and faithful exposition from our Admins Adam S. and Henry Martin on the Word of God.

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Rare Tax Weight Found

According to multiple news sources , an extremely rare measuring weight has been unearthed in Jerusalem. This minuscule stone contains a Hebrew inscription "beka". Based on Exodus 38 we know that a beka was equal to half of a shekel. Every Israelite man of eligible of the military was to pay the beka or half-shekel tax to help pay for upkeep on the Tabernacle

In Christ,
Superdadsuper, Sr. Content and Community Manager (Bible Wiki) 04:11, November 24, 2018 (UTC)

This content is under copyright of the author and should not be used without permission

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 15 November 2018

Were There Monotheists in the Northern Kingdom?

"The Ten Tribes living in the Kingdom of Israel during the 8th century B.C.E. practiced a mixed religion, but contrary to the conventional wisdom among biblical scholars, their main deity was Yahweh after all, not the Canaanite god El and his envoys, golden calves and goat-shaped demons." -- Bohstrom, Haaretz Magazine

Was the worship of "El", or was it "Elohim" (the general name for the true God )? The "conventional wisdom" that the writer attempts to debunk by the archeological evidence is not the only interpretation of the Biblical record. Yes, the prophets condemned synchronism, but the evidence seems to parallel the use of the golden calf in Yahweh evidence in Exodus , lead by none other thanAaron himself. While dancing drunk around th…

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Jesus Tunnel Vision: Hebrews 10:32-12:17

You have probably read or at least heard of two famous passages from Hebrews Chapter 11: the Hall of Faith and Chapter 12:1-2. What if we are missing the real point behind these passages? This passage is so much more than a demonstration of the power of faith, but there is a much greater and often missed point here.

In order to understand this, we must go back to the context in Chapter 10. The author of Hebrews prompts his readers, Christians with a Hebrew heritage, to consider the struggles of their past brought about by persecution, but Jesus did experience this.

Finally, the author interprets an old Hebrew proverb written by Solomon: Don’t ignore the discipline of God, do not allow it to wear you down for it is done out of love. The author…

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